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概述于文文 Always Be The Same For You歌词 《一又二分之一的夏天》电视剧插曲

2021-01-02 12:42:18极品歌词网

极品歌词网收录“于文文 - Always Be The Same For You歌词”, 下面一起来欣赏下小编整理的于文文 - Always Be The Same For You歌词吧。

Always Be The Same For You (对你永不变) (《一又二分之一的夏天》电视剧插曲) - 于文文 (Kelly)

The night is over and we were sober

You said goodbye and I try not to be hurt

Seems like forever nothing has changed

And I'll always be the same for you

When you try to squeeze me tight

Everything feels all so right

Don't tell me no more lies and your reason why

I've tried so many times to see me in your eyes

But I realize oh I realize

The night is over and all is over

A love so beautiful but we let it slip away

The sound of my voice

The smile on my face

And I'll always be the same for you

When you try to squeeze me tight

Everything feels all so right

Don't tell me no more no more lies and your reason why

I've tried so many times to see me in your eyes

But I realize oh I realize

The night is over and all is over

A love so beautiful but we let it slip away

The sound of my voice

The smile on my face

I'll always be the same for you

And I'll always be the same for you

上一篇:解惑毛不易 浴火成诗-迪丽热巴/毛不易 《烈火如歌》电视剧片尾曲

下一篇:介绍杨宗纬 但是又何奈-普罗米修斯/杨宗纬

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